Business Checking accounts are useful to keep your personal and business expenses separate for ease of accounting. These accounts allow you access to your funds when you need them and are safer than carrying cash for your everyday purchases.
Business Checking:
No frills account
Maintain $500.00 average daily balance to avoid a monthly maintenance fee
$2.00 a month plus .10 per debit if your balance falls below an average daily balance of $500.00
Offers a Visa Debit Card
$50 opening deposit
First order of 30 checks FREE
Business NOW Checking:
Offers a tiered interest rate on your checking account
Minimum to open is $1000.00
$1000.00 or more to avoid monthly maintenance fee
Interest is compounded monthly
Exclusions may apply
Ready to get started?
Please call a New Accounts Representative for information about the paperwork required to open a business account.